...a Hobo Show...
Wearing a Lee Oskar T-Shirt while vacationing on the Hobo Railroad won me an invitation to put on a 1/2 hour show to entertain my fellow train tourists. This was the first time I'd done a show this long and it was a lot of fun!

I started off with a huff'n-puff'n harmonica train song, and knew enough about hoboes from my favorite radio show, Loafer's Glory, to tell a bit about hobo life.

Hoboes were hard-working free spirits who rode the rails from one job to the next, building railroads and dams, mining, harvesting, logging, riding home from the Civil War, riding in search of survival during the Depression, and more.

This postcard shows a stereotypical hobo with his 'bindle stick' and few belongings. Hobo's use their own colorful lingo.

You can meet modern day hoboes at one of the many hobo gatherings around the country. To see what one of these events is like, here are some great pics of the Dunsmuir Hobo Gathering!

On the back of the postcard: A note to myself... Performed on the Hobo Railroad as 'California Sue', along with a Sweet Adeline named Beth. Our microphone/speaker show lasted 30 min. and we entertained the passengers with amateur hobo tales, harmonica music, and railroad songs.

My niece's boyfriend, Mike, and myself, 'CA Sue', holding my big new train whistle outside the Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad, the next day. Athena is taking the picture.

Mike and my most awesome niece, Athena, outside the Friendly's Ice Cream Parlor Car, Lake Winnipesaukee, NH.

Hobo Railroad
Hobo Railroad
Loafer's Glory
Loafer's Glory
Hobo News
Hobo News


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