blank picture harmonically speaking...
...welcome to my musical home on the web! This is a chance to share a bit of my amateur blues harmonica interests and performance history with you.

Please stop by, look around, and enjoy. I'd love to hear about you too!

The 'birthday party at the beach' pictures are finally in! I can't figure out if I was telling a story, playing air guitar, or practicing ballroom dance posture in the one above.... More party pictures below!

And while you're at it, check out pictures of me playing harmonica on a train, my performance biography, and more photos of me caught singing and dancing to my heart's content, as you 'beat your way' around the site.

You'll also find links to the coolest blues and jazz bands, clubs, harmonica players, events, classes, and workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area, some online sources for nearly every kind of harmonica ever manufactured, and thensome!

Blues Radio/SF Area
Blues Radio/SF Area
Harmonica Shopping
Harmonica Shopping
Birthday Cake
Max Ritter and Sondra Ahlén finally celebrated our mutual birthday, June 28th, together in the year 2000!

Here we are posing for posterity to show off our Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and Piglet Too! cake.

Castles in the Sand
This was my Second Annual Castles in the Sand Birthday Party on the beach near the Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf.

That's Pooh Bear dancing on top of the highest tower!

Birthday Suit
Here I am posing with my friend Jen Balogh after I've gone out in Monterrey Bay for a 'skinny' dip around the buoys swim ;) No, I did not get naked.... But you gotta love that 'suit'!
Harmonica Lesson
Jen brought the most awesome of party favors. What else for a wild harmonica lover such as myself? Harmonicas and tattoos for everyone, of course! A harmonica lesson soon ensued, followed by a lazy day of tattooings and walks around the beach, boardwalk, and Municipal Wharf.

Max's parents were visiting from Germany and joined in all the festivities.

My friend Trace Wax displays his newly-found harmonica abilities!

Trace and Jen also brought Winnie the Pooh balloons who danced playfully in the wind all day, marking the location of our little get together :)

Ben Reaves practices harmonica meditation.
Long after everyone else had moved to other entertainments, there I was trying to bend notes with a plastic-reeded instrument. Not an easy feat, let me tell you! In fact, getting notes at all was often a challenge.
Sondra on the 4-Hole
Eventually, even I gave up the plastic harp and moved to my more constant key-chain companion: the 4-holed Hohner Little Lady.

All in all, it was a fun and relaxing day at the beach.

Hey Max, time to start planning for the Third Annual pretty soon!



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